
Saguaro flowers

I started writing software in 2002 with a small hobbyist language called IBasic that no longer exists. Soon after this I started writing small websites in PHP/MySQL and games in Java. After publishing an Android game (no longer on Google Play), I learned C++ by writing an IBasic-compatible compiler. I continued working in C++ and JavaScript, completing a truss shipment scheduler and a small tanks game among many other projects.

In 2017 I started learning the Unity game engine and created a Smash-style phone game which sadly never got professional quality graphics and didn't make it to the app stores. Additionally Unity has since moved away from the networking platform I used, making the future of the game lie in a rewrite.

At some point along the way, I created a rough proof-of-concept sudo utility for Windows which has gained some minor popularity on GitHub. With this project, I mainly wanted to show that such a thing was possible, while recognizing that to create a production-ready security focused utility would be a huge undertaking. Fortunately, someone else has picked up the slack.

In the past I have been an avid traveler; I currently live in Tucson, AZ, home of the saguaro, where everything sunny all the time always.

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